Larine Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Is An IT Degree Right For You?

If you're considering a career in Information Technology, you probably have a lot of questions and are wondering if it will be the best choice for your future. Before such a big commitment is made, extensive research is needed to determine if an IT degree is something you're ready to pursue.

First of all, you should ask yourself what it is about IT that intrigues you and if it's something you can picture yourself doing long term. Have you always had a love for working with computers? Are you interested in the programming perspective and how everything works behind the scenes? Maybe it's the simple fact that you have a unique knack for fixing things when a file or program goes haywire on you.

Whatever the case, you'll be spending a lot of time working with computers in many capacities, so having a solid comfort level with them, or the willingness to gain one, is definitely a must.

Another thing to consider is what type of career you hope to land once you earn your IT degree. You may just have a general interest in the field right now and will create a plan as you delve deeper into your courses and training.

Or maybe you already have a specific type of job in mind like maintaining databases or networks, working on the help desk or doing programming. If that's the case, now is a great time to start looking into any specific training or certifications you'll need to achieve your goals.

And while you are planning your future career, it's also smart to start doing some preliminary research to see what kinds of IT jobs are out there. The market can always change in terms of job volume and demand, but now's the perfect time to see what sort of positions are available, which kinds of companies are looking to fill them and what parts of the country they're located in.

It's also an opportunity for you to find out what kind of experience employers are looking for and if there's much entry level work available. You might want to research the range of wages offered and get a better idea of how IT jobs will pay.

You will need to factor in the type of job skills you'll be required to have once you've received your IT degree and are ready to hit the workforce. Even if you know you're committed to all the coursework and studying that's required during your schooling, are you prepared for everything that will be expected of you on the job?

Consider all of the characteristics you'll need to be successful in an IT career and if they fit your personality. For example, do you have good problem solving skills and can you troubleshoot complicated situations? Are you able to balance a lot of different responsibilities and work well under pressure?

A lot of jobs in IT will require all of these work skills. Another very important requirement will be to have great people skills. Depending on what job your IT degree leads to; it's very likely that your role will involve helping other co-workers and staff. Having the ability to develop good working relations amongst your peers is a major benefit.

Going to school and getting your IT degree can open a lot of doors in your future and bring about all kinds of new opportunities. With some careful consideration and a bit of research, hopefully you'll be able to decide if a career in IT is what you're meant to do.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT program that is right for you.Geraud Blog85601
Justine Blog84208

How To Buy Diamonds Online For Ridiculously Low Prices

Almost all of us will buy a diamond, a diamond ring or another kind of diamond jewel. Getting married involves buying a diamond ring for your fiance, anniversary rings are also common, and let's not forget men's diamond rings - they are very popular, too.

In the age of information, it makes sense to consider the option of buying a diamond on the Internet. And indeed, mega sites like, and more offer a huge selection of diamonds in all shapes and sizes to choose from. Many of the diamonds are certified so you don't risk getting a diamond that is less than promised.

The big diamond sites are a good option for getting a diamond, but in most cases the savings on the price will not be too great - in fact, you may get a similar price if you haggle a bit with a local diamond dealer. The best place to locate real bargains in the diamond field is

There has been a lot of talk on buying and selling on ebay, and one ca find good advice about these subjects. Buy in this article we'll discuss specific advice about buying diamonds on ebay.

There are some very simple rules that need to be observed when buying diamonds on ebay. If you follow these rules you are very likely to find great deals on ebay.

Advice no. 1 - Search the right way. Go for the "advanced search" option. There will be an "Exclude these words" box. You want to exclude words like : "lab", "zircon", "enhanced". This will weed out the "wannabe" diamonds and leave you with the best ones.

Advice no.2 - Does the seller have a solid positive feedback? - check the seller's feedback and see that they have at least 50 positive feedbacks form selling diamonds in the past. Also note how many negative feedback they had. Strive for at least %98 positive feedback. In many cases it is tempting to buy a cheap diamond from a new seller, but this is in many cases a bad move, as you have no knowledge on this seller

Advice no.3 - Watch similar diamonds to the one you want and see how much the sell for. Dont buy right away. Just watch a few auctions as they evolve. This will help you establish a range of prices you aim at.

Advice no. 4 - Go for certified. Again, it's tempting to buy an un-certified diamond but in many cases this will be a big mistake. Go for certified diamonds only and this way you'll make sure you get what you paid for, no less.

Advice no. 5 - Use ebay as a means of pressure. If you have a local diamond dealer who is trying to sell you a diamond, you may want to use the price levels you see on ebay as leverage in your negotiation with that dealer. You may get a better deal.

Going online to buy a diamond can save you thousands of dollars. Give this approach a try the nest time you go shopping for a diamond.

Gill Reese is the owner of You may visit the site and learn more about how to buy diamond ring, beacelets, diamond anniversary ring and more.Hiver Blog56822
Invite Blog21023

Do You Know How To Copy A DVD?

Many people burn copies of their CDs - Compact Discs - making copies of music, e-books, data files and just about everything else. But what about DVDs? Do you know how to copy a DVD and is it legal?

Lets look at the legal issues first, and then well examine how you go about copying a DVD -- a movie, for example, to a writable disc. Many of us are used to copying files to a CD - using drag and drop technology, which involves dragging some files across your computer screen and releasing them to the drive where the CD rests. But copying a DVD involves quite a bit more and there are legal problems to consider.

Before we even get started on exactly how to copy a DVD, you need to become familiar with two important terms - encryption and copyright law. LEGAL DISCLAIMER TIME: Now, I am not an attorney and do not play one in real life so make sure you consult one in your area of residence before doing anything on your own with this information. From what I understand its perfectly legal to burn a copy of a DVD - if its for your private use in your own home as a backup copy. For example - say you have an extensive collection of DVD movies, but you are worried about your DVDs getting scratched from using them so much - so you may want to make copies of all these DVDs and keep them in a safe place in case some of them get scratched. Thats fine.

But if your DVD is encrypted (as most movies are) - most software that allows you to make copies wont get around the encryption. (There are multiple sources that offer this type of software now, but its up to you to find them.) Bottom line - if its encrypted, youre not supposed to be able to copy it. Why? Because copyright law says you need to pay a royalty to the person or studio or whoever made the DVD - otherwise youre guilty of copyright infringement. If you copy only those videos for your own use, youre probably ok, but start burning them and selling them on eBay youll be in trouble with the Hollywood studio system and the government in a hurry.

In the interest of protecting well, their interests, Hollywood studios came up with a little encryption system known as CSS or Content Scrambling System. This encryption doesnt have anything to do with free speech issues - its all about money! The Hollywood studios figure that if they put all their cash into making the movie, the least you can do is pay them a royalty. Its amazing how many people arent willing to do that, which is why the software was developed that allows you to go around the encryption. Otherwise your DVD copies just would not work.

Now, of course the Hollywood studios and a very few others have the so-called keys to this system - after all, they designed it! But the rest of the non-paying public has to depend on those free, independent spirits out there to come up with a way around that encryption, as indeed they did.

Circumventing this encryption is generally known in the biz as ripping a DVD (and of course copying the files to your computer hard drive) - see, youre already well on your way to becoming a computer geek - geek talk and all. If you rip the DVD to the hard drive of your computer, you can tell if the size will fit on a regular DVD. If not, youll need to make one of the choices available to you - such as compressing the data, removing or splitting part of it so it takes up less space.

When choosing a software package that will allow you to rip DVDs youll need to choose one that fits your needs. By that I mean there are packages out there that will allow you to do it all - rip, compress, remove or split data, in addition to utilities that will let you play with the settings on your DVD and affect the quality of your final copy. If youre not a computer geek, you may not need all those extra features - the quality between a typical DVD and one thats been ripped is usually very slight to the average user. If you plan on going in the geek direction, you may want a higher quality end product - in other words, if youre picky, choose a program with more features that gives you more control.


For a more detailed version of this article in html & pdf format go to: we are always adding new content to the site so come check us out!

Robert Barnard is the Co-Founder & CTO of Hes been involved with computers since the early 80s. He holds / has held many international industry certifications in the computer industry from CompTIA A+ to Microsoft Certified Professional & Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.Jupiter Blog50502
Jean Pierre Blog1880

Cheating and Infidelity Statistics: Are Men Cheating More Than Women?

Recent studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship. Do these infidelity statistics seem a bit startling? What these findings suggest is that approximately one half of all married men and women do seek intimacy outside of their committed relationships. But what does this really mean and why are the number of men and women having extramarital affairs so high?

This may come as a complete surprise, but most extramarital affairs are not about sex. What then,is the main factor that causes infidelity? One should pay attention to the reason most people find intimacy with someone outside of their marriage is because of their emotional needs are not being met. Yes, it is true in most cases of infidelity and about wanting to feel emotionally connected to someone.

One should realize that suggestions may not be particularly popular, especially among men and women who are on the receiving end of the infidelity. Obviously, finding out that your spouse or partner has cheated on you is shocking and painful. Realizing that you are just another number that adds to the infidelity statistic is not something you would like to flaunt.

The reality is that there are a lot of unsatisfying and empty relationships out there, but however, the reason why infidelity statistics are as high as they are is because people place a higher value on their careers, children, friends or hobbies and not on their relationships with their partners. Think about it, when you neglect any of these areas, it is just a matter of time before they deteriorate and ultimately lead to its untimely death. The failure in the relationship becomes imminent..The bottom line is that if you want to avoid becoming yet another case that adds to the infidelity statistic, then you must nurture and prioritize your relationship with your spouse or partner. As you may have already figured out, unlike planes, relationships cannot be maintained on "auto-pilot".

According to the current infidelity statistics 60% of men and 40% of women are involved in extramarital affair. These figures are even more drastic when the total numbers of marriages are considered. Because it is less likely that all the men and women having extramarital affairs do happen to be married to each other. At least half of the women having affairs are married to men are not included in the 60% of men having affairs, then at least one partner will have an affair in about 80% of all marriages. With this study you can see that many marriages are getting affected and it is unreasonable to think affairs are due to the failures and shortcomings of individual husbands or wives. Leave alone the entire world, only in U S, 17% of divorces are caused by unknown misconceptions such as infidelity. There exists even strong evidence, which proves that there is a high correlation between on-line infidelity and subsequent real-time sexual affairs. Check out this link for the full story.

Stephany Alexander is the founder of the World's Largest Database Rating Men. She has been quoted on CNN, Fox Nationwide, the New York Times, and more. She has created over 10 women's comedy cartoon ecards, 6 women's online games. She has been guest on hundreds of radio shows. For more information or to interview, please email womansavers@womansavers.comCantor Blog37043
Lucien Blog9125

It's Your Credit. What Are You Going To Do To Protect It?

For anyone who has, has had and wants to avoid being had, this series of articles reflects years of continuing research. I'll discuss the worse that can ever happen to people thrown into credit situations - whether through their own doing or as victims and how they were able to come of them in one piece. These article are based on facts as I read and understood them.

A credit report is a history of your bill payments record. These can be bills such as home loans and mortgages, revolving credit and even cell phones. There are three credit-reporting agencies that are commonly referred to as credit repositories. Each uses a different type of symbol. When looking at your credit report, be aware of the very first page. This will most often contain the explanation of the symbols that are used by that company. There are various symbols that are utilized to identify payment histoy, types of accounts and whether or not the account is individual, joint or involves a cosigner.

Credit reporting agencies are NOT part of the U.S. Government. They are privately owned companies that get paid to sell information about you to your creditors. They get paid for good and bad information. You are NOT their customer. You do not purchase any goods or services from the Credit Reporting Agencies.

They do not care whether your credit is perfect or poor. They receive their money from the creditors in the form of charges and memberships. Why should a credit reporting agency care about you? You are only a consumer of goods or services.

In fact, Experian, which is one of the three large Credit Reporting Agencies is owned by a British conglomerate. Think about that. Why would a foreign company own a credit reporting agency in the United States? The answer is simply for the profit. Those are the facts.

Remember, most credit reports identify the consumer (you) by your name and your credit entries by the name, account number and the date that the account was opened. Being able to identify information that is not accurate can help you to raise your credit scores. One of the single most important parts of the following articles is your ability to identify on your credit report your legal right to know WHEN an account is first delinquent.

In a future article I'll devote an entire paragraph that further explains this portion of the law.

Chuck Lunsford is the owner and developer of He offers advice on how to get your credit in order and working for you. Visit his website and learn more about how to obtain without resorting to paying an attorney.Hugues Blog15297
Madeleine Blog82120

Make Associate Programs an Extra Income

Do you have a connection with another site that can offer something new? Then you should know more about an associate program or sometimes called partnership program. This is where the companies selling products or services online gives a part of their profits as a commission on any sales you create for them by introducing new customers.

These have become very popular for both companies who are looking for an increase in sales and websites who have been inadequate in producing some earnings. Whether you have a website that sells a certain product/service or a website that has nothing to sell, you should not stop from joining related associate program for your website, product or service because it can give you additional earnings.

Some companies who offers associate program usually weigh their compensation rates in terms of those sites that send the most clicks and converted actual sales. When somebody reaches an industrial site and make some purchase from the site, you will get a commission for that as a return.

You will greatly benefit when you join any associate programs that are related to your business that definitely would sell other products or businesses to your clients. Indeed, it's really an additional source of gaining cash.

The examples of companies that have affiliate programs are the software retailer and bookseller wherein anyone can have affiliation with these commercial sites and direct people to visit them.

By using the associate program, every one has a chance to add a significant value to any website. And a good quality website can become more valuable and dynamic if it offers a wide variety or different products and services as an associate.

There are also several types of associate programs like the Web Cards. This is an associate program that pays one dollar to affiliates each time a consumer asks for a free sample of their merchandise. The product is actually a postcard of an image or a website. Wherein the user does not need to spend some money yet an affiliate gets a small fee for it. One should remember that associate programs increase the usefulness of a site only if the commercial site offers the users something valuable. An associate program may affect the accessibility of a site, but it will make it easy and convenient for users, they may visit a site searching for a product or service that it does not offer. However, the site can at least direct the customer to another site that offers that particular product or service. People would definitely like to revisit a site that leads them to a good purchase. That is a very important factor to have a good rapport with the client.

For the success of an associate program, it is necessary to make sure that the content of a site matches the program. Otherwise, the visitors may get irritated. For example, if one has a website on watches, it is better to keep away from giving a link to a pastry shop. It will just give a negative impression to the customers about the products and the company.

When joining an associate program and reselling their products or services, there are critical things that needs to be considered because your customers are also counting on you for the good recommendations that you will make and your reputation will depend on it.

It is really valuable if one would join an associate program because of the benefits that they will get, but if you are serious in joining a program you should first get and try the product or service of the company before recommending it to somebody or to a customer.

Steven Gerber is a professional copywriter & marketing consultant. He is a protg of Dan Lok, the Worlds #1 Website Conversion Expert, & in Stevens totally biased opinion simply THE BEST. You will find the latest internet marketing techniques & tricks at: Blog78669
Amandine Blog93366

Adsense Keywords for 22 Hot Niches

Im pleased to offer the following adsense keywords that target 22 hot niches and potentially paying out high to very high average Earnings Per Click (EPC). The key word here is average EPC. Dont be fooled by keyword lists that show very high 1st Bidder rates as Google only sets the rate at 1 cent higher than the 2nd Bidder, which could be significantly lower.

For example, the 1st Bidder for an Adsense Keyword could be $4.74 but the 2nd Bidder is only 86 cents resulting in the highest Bidder being only 87 cents. Additionally, Bidders in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Bidders could all be under 50 cents which consequently result in the average Bid amount being 28 cents a far cry from the $4.74 1st Bidder amount. So if you didnt know before, I hope you know now. Its important to be focused on the average not the highest bid. Of course, market size is the next consideration to determine potential traffic and income.

For more in-depth analysis on these keywords, visit my blog on adsense keywords and discover why they are recommended as good potential adsense keywords.

1. Cosmetic Surgery - $3.75 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.60

2. Document Management - $21.92 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $11.72

3. Mortgage Refinance Calculator - $17.15 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $8.67

4. Accounting Software - $25.22 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $10.90

5. Colon Cleanse - $4.55 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.93

6. Medical Alarms - $14.35 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $6.97

7. Sales Force Automation - $17.71 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $9.20

8. Accident and Sickness Insurance - $7.09 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $2.58

9. Search Engine Optimization - $17.68 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $8.04

10. Call Center Outsourcing - $8.08 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $3.32

11. Workers Compensation - $14.35 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $6.97

12. Business Degree Online - $20.90 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $11.24

13. Asbestos Lung Cancer - $11.52 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $3.74

14. Postcard Printing - $15.98 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $7.68

15. Free Business Cards - $4.64 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.84

16. Chicago Condos - $3.71 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.77

17. 2nd Mortgage - $32.15 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $16.19

18. Auto Rentals - $3.65 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.92

19. Business Phone Systems - $20.24 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $10.06

20. Discount Airfare - $2.00 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.10

21. Auto Insurance Quotes - $2.00 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.10

22. Domain Name - $13.41 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $5.36

Document Management is a shining star with a huge average bid of $11.72, as does 2nd Mortgage with an even bigger average bid amount of $16.19 As you can see from the above list, their are several excellent opportunities and I encourage you to investigate them further with the case studies I have published, by visiting my Blog and seeing all the details. So there you have it. Adsense Keywords for 22 Hot Niches that are recomended due to their highest, but more importantly their average bids, as well as traffic expected for these keyword searches, and finally, for the level of competition with these adsense keywords.

Michael ConstantinosMagique Blog74900
Laurent Blog5920

Recovery From PC Failure Using Windows XP's Restore Point

Have you ever done something to make an improvement and later regretted it?It would be awesome to be able to go back in time and undo the the thing that were supposed to make an improvement.

While life in general will not allow us to return to an earlier time to make changes, we computer users do have such an option should we experience problems with our Windows XP operating systems.

If you update or install the wrong device driver for your video card, and you delete accidentally delete a critical Windows file, so what.

You can simply use Windows XP's Restore Point feature and, Tada, you're back on track and recovered that deleted file.

Restore Points are snapshots of the state your operating system was in during that time.Windows XP automatically creates a restore point when it senses a major change in your operating system.And Restore Points are created every 24 hours as a safety measure.But you can create a Restore Point manually any time you feel there is a need.

If you have a change of some sort that causes problems with the operating system, you can tell Windows XP to revert to any Restore Point established before the problem occured.After the rollback, every change in the operating system that happened after that Restore Point is eliminated.

Restore Points are generally used when you experience such pc problems as extremely slow performance of the system. Your computer responds far more slowly that it did before you installed or updated something.

Other times to run Restore Point is when your system stops responding after an update or installation. Be sure to create a Restore Point before making any significant change to your computer's software or configuration.

To set a Restore Point, click on Start, point to All Programs, click on Accessories, System Tools, and then click on System Restore.When the System Restore windows appears, click on the button labeled "Create A Restore Point" and click Next.

Enter a description of the restore point, something like "Before scanner device driver install" and click the Create button.A notification will inform you that a Restore Point was made.Now click the Close button and you're all set.

Reverting to a Restore Point is as easy as create one.Click on Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, System Tools, and System Restore.When the System Restore window appears, click on the "Restore My Computer To An Earlier Time" and then click on the Next button.

Choose the date on which you set the Restore Point and click the Next button.Review the information presented and save any open files.Shut down any other programs that may be running.

Click on the Next button and now your computer will restart. As it restarts, it will present a message informing you of the restore point. Click OK and you're done.

After reading all about setting and reverting to restore points, you should make a known restore point if you have not done so already.Whatever you do after reading this article, don't say I'll get to it soon.Familarize yourself with this feature and create a restore point one.

You should try Restore Point and see how it works before you need it.Create a Restore Point now and update something.You can update Windows Media Player for example.

After the update or the installation of a program,wait a day or so and go back to Restore Point.Revert to the Restore Point you created and see if the old version of Windows Media Player comes back.Or see if that old device driver is present.

Doing a simple task like this can and will boost your computer skills and give you much more confidence in yourself and the Windows XP operating system.

Otis F. Cooper is solely dedicated to boosting the knowledge and confidence of every computer user. Sign up to receive his informative articles every month and learn PC Repair absolutely free. Sign up now at Blog26651
Fernand Blog3725

Home Improvement (Season 2) DVD Review

Nominated for 9 Golden Globes and 34 Emmys, including 2 for Outstanding Comedy Series, Home Improvement was the number one family-friendly comedy for most of the 1990's decade. Created by three writers who worked on wide range of sitcoms, such as The Cosby Show (1984) and Roseanne (1988), Home Improvement is one of a number of 1990's smash hit sitcoms built around a lead character who stars as a stand-up comic in real life. Some of the other series include Seinfeld (1990), The Drew Carey Show (1995), Everybody Loves Raymond (1996), and King Of Queens (1998) among others. One of the trailblazers in this area, Home Improvement ranked in the Top 10 among Nielsen-rated shows for seven of its eight seasons (it ranked #11 in Season 7). One notable tidbit of trivia is that Sears was approached to sponsor the show which would've put Craftsman tools in the hands of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor (as opposed to the fictional "Binford" brand), but Sears rejected the offer because they feared Tim Allen's prior conviction on a drug charge might be interpreted as unfriendly to families (funny, since Home Improvement later fell under the moniker of the Walt Disney Company)

Home Improvement centers around the life of Tim Taylor (Tim Allen), a home improvement expert who hosts his own local TV show "Tool Time" on cable access. Tim and his wife Jill (Patricia Richardson) live in a house in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan with their three boys Brad (Zachery Ty Bryan), Randy (Jonathan Taylor Thomas), and Mark (Taran Noah Smith). On "Tool Time," Tim is flanked by the flannel-clad, easy-going Al Borland (Richard Karn) who is often the butt of Tim's jokes and harbors a neurotic tendency toward perfectionism. At home, Tim's numerous domestic missteps lead him to continuously seek the advice of his well-traveled, near-perfect neighbor Wilson (Earl Hindman), whose lower face is never seen (only his eyes) Marked by Tim's abundant clumsiness as a home improvement guru and his inept ability to display sensitivity toward his wife, Home Improvement is a classic sitcom that relies on formulaic episodes of slapstick humor and zinging one-liners. It's a formula that works, but grows tiresome as the show progresses

The Home Improvement (Season 2) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "Read My Hips" in which Jill plans a romantic evening at home for herself and Tim, but Tim throws a wrench in her plans when he spends the evening hanging out at a bar with Al and the guys from A&B Construction. When he finally returns home, Jill is upset, fearing that the romance has left their relationship. Meanwhile, Brad ponders the true meaning of Jennifer's physical assaults. Does she really want to kiss him? Other notable episodes from Season 2 include "Where There's a Will, There's a Way" in which Jill finds out that Tim never put the finishing touches on his legal will, and "Shooting Three to Make Tutu" in which Jill insists that Tim take Mark to the ballet despite the fact that he has front-row tickets to the Pistons game

Below is a list of episodes included on the Home Improvement (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 25 (Read My Hips) Air Date: 09-16-1992
Episode 26 (Rites and Wrongs of Passage) Air Date: 09-23-1992
Episode 27 (Overactive Glance) Air Date: 09-30-1992
Episode 28 (Groin Pulls) Air Date: 10-07-1992
Episode 29 (Heavy Meddle) Air Date: 10-14-1992
Episode 30 (The Haunting of Taylor House) Air Date: 10-28-1992
Episode 31 (Roomie for Improvement) Air Date: 11-04-1992
Episode 32 (May the Best Man Win) Air Date: 11-11-1992
Episode 33 (Where There's a Will, There's a Way) Air Date: 11-18-1992
Episode 34 (Let's Did Lunch) Air Date: 11-25-1992
Episode 35 (Abandoned Family) Air Date: 12-02-1992
Episode 36 (I'm Scheming of a White Christmas) Air Date: 12-16-1992
Episode 37 (Bell Bottom Blues) Air Date: 01-06-1993
Episode 38 (Howard's End) Air Date: 01-13-1993
Episode 39 (Love is a Many Splintered Thing) Air Date: 01-20-1993
Episode 40 (Dances with Tools) Air Date: 02-03-1993
Episode 41 (You're Driving Me Crazy, You're Driving Me Nuts) Air Date: 02-10-1993
Episode 42 (Bye Bye Birdie) Air Date: 02-17-1993
Episode 43 (Karate or Not, Here I Come) Air Date: 02-24-1993
Episode 44 (Shooting Three to Make Tutu) Air Date: 03-03-1993
Episode 45 (Much Ado About Nana) Air Date: 03-17-1993
Episode 46 (Ex Marks the Spot) Air Date: 04-14-1993
Episode 47 (To Build or Not to Build) Air Date: 05-05-1993
Episode 48 (Birth of a Hot Rod) Air Date: 05-12-1993
Episode 49 (The Great Race) Air Date: 05-19-1993

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog64106
Fred Blog7129

A Guide to Buying a Property in Cyprus


The Cyprus Property Market

Cyprus is one of the more popular real estate markets in the world. Activity in the real estate market in Cyprus is brisk, including foreign nationals who buy and sell real estate Non-Cypriots have been involved in all areas of the real estate market. Foreign nationals have been found to invest in commercial, investment and residential real estate in all areas of the country.

Most industry experts maintain that the real estate market in Cyprus should continue to do a brisk business well into the coming decade. With the entry of Cyprus into the European Union, more and more foreign nationals from EU member states likely will become involved in the Cypriot real estate market.

There are no prohibitions on foreign nationals purchasing real estate in Cyprus. However, and as will be discussed in greater detail shortly, a foreign national must obtain prior permission from a Cypriot governmental agency in advance of making the purchase of real estate in that country. Generally speaking, this approval is relatively easy to obtain -- although the process of obtaining the permission can be rather time consuming

Investment Property in Cyprus

One of the primary areas that foreign nationals have become involved when it comes to real estate investment in Cyprus is in the resort and vacation property arena. Cyprus remains a very popular destination for people on holiday. As a result, foreign nationals have taken to buying apartments, single family residences and hotel properties which in turn are utilized by men and women on holiday.

Over the course of the past decade, a number of foreign nationals have profited dearly through investments in real estate used for vacation or holiday purposes in Cyprus. Indeed, because this type of venture has proven so profitable for some foreign nationals, these men and women have taken to purchasing and investing in multiple property holdings in Cyprus. Again, and has been noted, this is particular true in the area of investment in properties that are intended to be used for vacation or holiday purposes.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Single Family Properties

A significant number of foreign nationals have established second homes and vacation residences in Cyprus over the course of the past thirty years. The trend towards purchasing second residences and holiday homes in Cyprus continues on to this day.

One of the more recent occurrences in regard to holiday or vacation homes in Cyprus involves the creation of significant developments that are designed exclusively for people who want gracious residences on Cyprus. These developments in many instances are taking the form of gated communities for the security conscious foreign national who wants to idle away part of the year in Cyprus.

In addition, some foreign nationals have determined the benefit of purchasing older residences in the country and embarking on improvement and remodeling campaigns to bring them up to date. In some instances, these men and women are rehabbing properties and putting them back on the market -- making nice profits in the process.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Apartments

The Cypriot apartment market is bustling in the 21st century. With Cyprus movement into the EU, a significant number of foreign nationals from other EU nations are finding themselves in the country with some degree of regularity. In this regard, many of these business men and women have turned to spending a significant amount of time in Cyprus each and every year. Rather than hole up in a hotel, these men and women have taken to purchasing apartments in Cyprus.

Some of these business minded people have gone so far as to rent or lease out their apartment properties when they are not in the country on business -- making their apartments an income generating enterprise.

In some resort communities, men and women from foreign countries have purchased apartments for vacation and holiday purposes. There is a wide range of different types of apartments of available for sale in resort areas in Cyprus.

Holiday Property in Cyprus

As referenced previously, vacation real estate sales in Cyprus is brisk business in the 21st century. One area in which foreign nationals have been active in the market is the purchase and ownership of single family, free standing residences on the island. These types of residences generally do come with some fairly hefty price tags.

In addition to larger residences that are being purchased with regularity by foreign nationals, many foreign nationals have taken to purchasing holiday apartments in the country. In some instances, these foreign nationals have turned these types of property into something of a lucrative investment. For example, when they are not in residence in Cyprus, these men and woman are turning around and leasing out these holiday residences to other individuals -- including many foreign nationals -- who then use these residences for their own holiday purposes

Mortgage Options

When considering the options for a mortgage on your overseas property there are a couple of choices to consider;

Do you consider raising finance on your existing property in the UK to cover the whole cost of your purchase abroad? A good idea if the interest rate in the country in question is a lot higher than it is here in the UK as you will pay a lot less in monthly repayments.

Do you secure a mortgage against the property from a local bank in the country of purchase? This can be a wise option especially if the interest rate is lower than our current UK interest rate. Most overseas mortgage / bank lenders will require upto 30% deposit on mortgages. However, you will need to give some thought to how you will service your mortgage payments each month especially if you are not living or earning in that country as you may well lose out on exchanging money each time to cover monthly expenses. Check out our Foreign Currency page to see how you can save money in this example

Some Builders and developers may well offer their own mortgage facilities on their properties for sale. This can be beneficial to both parties depending on the logistics of the mortgage or loan facility. Always check and compare with the two options above before making your final descision.

For more details on Mortgages in Cyprus visit our Mortgage page in the Cyprus section.

Specific steps to buying real estate property in Cyprus

The initial step that a foreign national must take before he or she can purchase real estate in Cyprus is obtaining approval from the government. Specifically, a foreign national must require permission to purchase real estate in the country from the Council of Ministers. A would-be purchaser of real estate in Cyprus needs to keep in mind that the process of obtaining approval from the Council of Ministers can take from between eight to fourteen months. A would-be purchaser also needs to appreciate that if he or she makes the purchase of real estate without the prior approval of the Council of Ministers, a title deed will not be able to issue transferring ownership of the real estate to the foreign national.

While the process of obtaining permission from the Council of Ministers is not a matter of overnight approval, the process itself is not difficult. The Council has taken steps to make the process as easy as possible for a foreign national seeking to purchase real estate in Cyprus. Time consuming in some ways, the application and approval process is not difficult to maneuver through.

Once approval is obtained from the Council of Ministers, the next step in buying real estate in the country -- once a piece of real estate has been identified for purchase -- is signing of the preliminary contract. At the time this agreement is executed, a holding deposit is posted with either a lawyer or a notary.

When the holding deposit is paid, a companion reservation deposit agreement also is executed. In point of fact, it is the deposit and this secondary agreement. The property is then taking off the market and remains in that position for the time spelled out in these agreements. Provided that the terms of the preliminary agreement are satisfied, the property will not return to the marketplace.

The deposit that is lodged in Cyprus normally is as low as 1%. The parties can negotiate a particular deposit amount -- but, in most instances, the standard deposit is in the amount of 1% of the overall purchase price of the real estate that is being sold. The remaining balance due and owing on the overall purchase price will then be due and owing at the time of the execution of the final contract, which will be discussed shortly.

During the period of time that follows the execution of the initial, preliminary agreement, the lawyer who has been appointed to oversee the transaction will investigate the status of the title the real estate through the District Land Registry Office.

Following this period of investigation into the status of the title, and provided that the buyer has obtained appropriate financing, the parties move onward to the execution of a final contract. It is at this juncture that the closing of the real estate transaction in Cyprus becomes rather complex when contrasted with what occurs in many other countries around the world.

When the final contract is signed by the parties, the contract itself is filed with the Land Registry Office to prevent the same piece of real estate from being sold a second time. An application is then made to the Central Bank of Cyprus to approve the transfer of funds for the purchase of the real estate. (This approval is not necessary if both the seller and buyer happen to be foreign nationals. However, it is required if at least one party to the transaction is a Cypriot.)

The title will be transferred to the buyer at this juncture and the buyer will be entitled to possession the real estate. It is important to note that if the real estate is newly developed, the title itself will not issue for upwards to three years after the signing of the final contract. With that said, the buyer is protected because of the filing of the final contract with the District Land Registry Office.

There will be some different taxes due and owing -- and paid by the purchaser -- after the signing of the final contract. However, these taxes are not particularly costly or significant.

Property Abroad always recommends using a Solicitor or Lawyer.

Les Calvert - the Director of often writes articles and information on the overseas property market. Visit their site with useful information and properties for sale in Cyprus Blog73887
Bertrand Blog86897

Chinas Battle for African Uranium

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Sunday nights revelations that China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) may strengthen its ties to UraMin could represent a broader picture than an ordinary acquisition of a near-term uranium producer.

There is an ongoing global war for energy security, which appears to be politically inspired. China and Russia are the main opponents, especially in Africa, but have rivaled each other, over the past several years, in Central Asia. The goal for both nations is not only energy security but political influence and alliance over their targeted territories.

On May 12th, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan signed a declaration to upgrade and expand transport pipelines along the Caspian Sea coast directly to Russia. The project relies mainly upon the vast Turkmen gas reserves. This is part of Russias growing monopoly of Central Asian gas. Although Europe was shocked by Vladimir Putins new arrangement, the Chinese were flabbergasted.

Weve been following developments in Central Asia, and had reported upon milestone events in both of our uranium publications, and again (with far greater details) in our soon-to-be-released Investing in Chinas Energy Crisis.

After more than two decades in power, Turkmen strongman Saparmurat Niyazov passed away this past December. In April 2006, Niyazov had signed a framework agreement on oil and gas cooperation. By August, Niyazov had announced a pipeline, designed to pump gas to China, would be opened in 2009. The deal died with the dictator, it appears.

A few weeks ago, a spokesman for Chinas National Reform and Development Committee announced China was unlikely to reach its natural gas target of a 10-percent portion of the countrys energy portfolio by 2010. Increasingly, Russia has shut China out of Central Asia in obtaining long-term, multiple energy sources.

Aside from South America, where China has strengthened the countrys ties with Venezuela and others, Africa is a prime hunting ground for Chinas future energy security. China has established a strong foothold in the Sudan for petroleum. But, Africa is rich in uranium deposits.

According to a report published by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005, Africa has 18 percent of the worlds known recoverable uranium resources about six percent less than Australia and one percent more than Kazakhstan. We began coverage on both Namibia and Niger, after Russia sent a delegation to Egypt to discuss the nuclear renaissance. At the time, our research pointed to Africa, particularly those countries, as ripe for future uranium production. Chinese prospectors raced to Niger within weeks after our initial coverage.

During 2006, Namibia became saturated with numerous exploration plays hoping to capitalize on the countrys uranium resources and relaxed environment. Consequently, the Namibian Minister of Mines and Energy closed the countrys exploration window. Since then, Niger has become a new hunting ground. We expect this country to become just as saturated as Namibia has been.

China is eager to capitalize upon the continents uranium resources before Russia outmaneuvers them as has been accomplished in Central Asia.

According to an email we received from TradeTechs Gene Clark, after presenting at the China Power & Alternative Energy Summit on May 18th, he told us Chinas official target for nuclear power capacity was 40 GWe by 2020 and another 18 GWe in the following five-year plan. This confirms Chinas aggressive plans to acquire sufficient uranium to reach this capacity, and would be foolish to rely on just Australia.

Typically, China has built its energy portfolio through numerous deals across multiple regions. This past October, Yang Changli, vice president of China National Nuclear, said it would seek uranium not only from Australia, but from Canada, Kazakhstan, South Africa and Namibia. In an interview Yang gave during the 15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, he said, China won't rely on any single supplier of uranium because of energy security considerations.

Namibia is the First African Focus of Uranium Politiques

On May 14th, Russias second-largest bank Vneshtorgbank and Russias state-run nuclear exporter Tekhsnabexport announced they were considered a joint venture to operate in Namibia through licenses they directly hold and through investments in other companies which have obtained licenses in Namibia.

In March Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov announced his country was prepared to building nuclear plants in Namibia. Neighboring South Africa had previously warned Namibia to expect reductions in energy supplies. Namibia is dependent upon South Africa for electricity and has forecast an energy deficit of 300 megawatts within the next three years.

On May 10th, Russia and Kazakhstan signed an agreement to set up the International Uranium Enrichment Center, anticipated to come onstream by 2013. As part of this announcement, Sergei Kiriyenko, head of the Federal Nuclear Power Agency, said, Any country can become a member of the center by signing an intergovernmental agreement granting it guaranteed access to uranium enrichment services. We conclude Namibia may wish to participate in this arrangement.

Enter CNNC on Sunday night. The Chinese companys deputy general manager for uranium procurement announced to Bloomberg News that CNNC and UraMin will start more formal talks this week.

UraMin is a prime acquisition candidate for the Chinese because of its uranium prospects in both Namibia and Niger. The company also has holdings in South Africa and the Central African Republic.

We are now facing a new era of uranium politics or rather Uranium Politiques. And there is good reason for this to escalate. Yesterday, the U.S. Energy Information Administration issued International Energy Outlook 2007. The report announced, World marketed energy is expected to grow by 57 percent between 2004 and 2030.

The most rapid growth in energy demand is anticipated in non-OECD Asia. The majority of this energy demand growth would come from China and India. This was the reference case the middle ground of growth.

Also on Monday, leading Russian nuclear expert Yevgeny Velikhov, head of the Kurchatov Institute, told reporters at a news conference that the recent surge in uranium prices may still grow by another order of magnitude. He believes the uranium price will continue to rise as global uranium demand soars while supplies remain tight. The global energy market is very turbulent, Velikhov said. The uranium price can hit any mark at a time of crisis. Ironically, both crisis and turbulence have come about because of the Asian and Russian scramble to lock-up the uranium resources of entire countries.

The energy battle in Africa is good news for the two front-runners in Namibia: UraMin and Forsys Metals. Weve called this a horse race, over the past several months. Both endeavor to become the next miner following Paladin Resources in this country.

Yet, both companies are vulnerable to acquisition efforts by Russian or Chinese companies. Or either could be acquired by one or more majors hoping to build up their uranium reserves. In the case of Rio Tinto, acquiring one or both could mean expanding uranium operations in this country.

Acquisition Candidates

Just as the announcement by Energy Metals Corp, regarding a potential sale of the company, fueled weekend speculation as to the next takeover candidates, the same could occur this week with African acquisition candidates.

One might be misled into believing China would focus on Niger, where the company has built a foundation, and Russias focus would remain in Namibia. However, in a state visit to China this week, Namibian Defense force chief exchanged views with Guo Boxiong, Central Military Commission vice chairman, on promoting relations between the two countries.

In February, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Namibia to sign an economic deal with Namibia giving the country a grant of US$4.3 million and an interest-free loan of the same amount. Reportedly, some of the money would be used to boost group tourism from China to Namibia. This is the same tactic China has utilized in courting relationships in South America to help develop natural resource deals.

With US$1.2 trillion in foreign currency reserves, China is exercising its financial biceps. In March, the country formed the Huijin Fund as the states investment arm. Up to US$400 billion have reportedly been placed in this fund for investment purposes. On Sunday night, the Huijin Fund invested US$3 billion to purchase a stake in about 9.9 percent of the Blackstone private equity firm. Our research suggests the fund is likely to strongly invest in natural resources.

On this basis, we can not rule out a simple carving of Africa. We dont believe China will quietly step back and focus the countrys uranium acquisition efforts in Niger, permitting Russia to concentrate on Namibia and South African uranium.

In Niger, we covered two early days prospective uranium juniors over a year ago. North Atlantic Resources acquired a uranium permit in the 1900-square kilometer Abelajouad in this country. This past April, the company increased its holdings to nearly 3,000 square kilometers. In late April, Northwestern Mineral Ventures announced uranium mineralization in assays from rock samples after a first-pass reconnaissance on its In Gall and Irhazer uranium properties. Both would need to further explore their properties before attracting serious interest from the Chinese.

However, in Namibia both UraMin and Forsys Metals are actively progressing toward mining uranium on their properties. Either could be the first, but we believe both should become winners in the uranium bull market. Because China has carefully aligned with UraMin, or at least shown an inkling to do so, we suspect Russia might begin to look more carefully at Forsys Metals. This is purely speculation based upon our premise of uranium Politiques. We do not have any inside track on this matter.

Fortunately, we had the opportunity to chat with Forsys chief executive Duane Parnham late last week. His company had announced the completion of the pre-feasibility study on the companys Valencia uranium deposit in Namibia. We missed the companys conference call, but were allowed the opportunity to discuss his companys prospects and future plans during a telephone call.

The companys pre-feasibility study was prepared by Australia-based Snowden Mining, which used the guidelines of Australias JORC code. Subsequently, the Valencia uranium mineral reserve was classified as Probable Reserves. These were calculated at 24 million pounds U3O8.

We asked about production. We are now modeling 2.4 million pounds per year, Parnham told us. He expects to payback in less than two years. With Forsys as with all near-term producers, some early conversations have begun about pre-selling the companys uranium production after production has commenced.

His companys news release talked about six month of stripping during the initial part of the operation so we started there. Well start when we get a mining license and then looking at production. When will the company complete its ongoing environmental assessment? We are hoping to have an environmental decision by year end, Parnham told us. We are hoping to have enough data to apply for a mining license in early 2008. If thats successful, then obviously the decision to go forward will be made at that time.

For the time being, the company plans to expand its resource. The pre-feasibility is just the first snapshot of the situation, he said. We are finding the pit optimization study is only looking at a very small portion of the overall resource. Does that mean the resource is actually larger, then? Its a heck of a lot bigger, he told us. Its just a function of how much data you have available to punch into the model. Then, how much does the model give you back? The evaluation process is ongoing. Youll probably see a change in the pit design very shortly because we have the ability to move more resource into the reserve category.

We talked about his companys horse race with UraMin. How does it look? Neck and neck, toe to toe, Parnham said. I think it shows theres opportunity in Namibia, and thats good that there are a number of us working for a common goal.

Finally, we asked what has emerged as the key question: Is Forsys a ripe plum for the picking. He offered both sides of the coin. Where the real opportunity lies is putting a property into production, he responded. The operation isnt all that difficult so its not a deposit that our expanding team couldnt put into production. And then Parnham left the door open. Anything can happen. Its an open market, and we are a public company. But, we are certainly geared toward putting this into production.

And from what weve seen among the recent, significant consolidations, those companies who have commenced production, and those closest to production, are the prime acquisition candidates. Why should companies developing projects in Africa become the exception instead of the rule? Especially when two super powers are both eagerly trying to establish stronger uranium footholds in this continent.

COPYRIGHT © 2007 by

James Finch contributes to and other publications. He has contributed to the widely popular Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market, and Uranium Outlook 2007 - 2008. His recent work, Investing in Chinas Energy Crisis, is now available at http://StockInterview.comJessica Blog42627
Larissa Blog77220

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness In Minnesota - A Great Vacation And Travel Destination

An absolutely amazing vacation destination in Minnesota is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. There are amazing physical features, like gouged rock, that have been carved into the land from huge glaciers that once existed in the area. The glaciers created canyons, cliffs, hills, crags, huge rock formations, beaches, rocky shores, and thousands of lakes and streams as well as islands and lots of trees. This area is wilderness at its best and it is so peaceful and beautiful that anyone who has the opportunity should stop by the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota.

The BWCAW as it is frequently called exists in the northern portion of the Superior National Forest. There are approximately 1.3 million acres and the wilderness extends along the boundary between Canada and its Quetic Provincial Park for 150 miles. There are more than 1200 miles of canoe routes for canoeing enthusiasts to enjoy as well as 15 different hiking trails. Lots of campsites exist in the BWCAW as well and it is believed there are more than 2000 of these.

If you are looking for a vacation destination that is completely different than any one you have ever experienced then you should definitely check out the BWCAW in Minnesota. The wilderness will give you a chance to reflect on your life, see how the environment has been changed over the years and even relax in a way that you have never been able to do before. That's because there is no TV, cell phones, or any other outside disturbances to intrude on your peace and quite.

This is a perfect place for families because it allows everyone to find something they love while also spending a lot of time together. Many times when families go on vacation they don't spend much quality time together because everyone is separated doing some other activity. At BWCAW you will have the vacation of your dreams.

There is a website that has great information on USA Vacations and Unique Travel Spots Listed State By State and Season, the website is called: Seasonal Vacation Spots, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2007

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter, or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 6 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25+ years. Corinne Blog31518
Koralle Blog72013

Loisaba Lodge Is The Perfect Kenya Safari Lodge

Loisaba Lodge is situated at the edge of an escarpment overlooking the Laikipia Plateau, the idyllic place to spend at least three days of your safari holiday in Kenya.

Loisaba is a 61,000 acre privately owned ranch on the edge of Kenyas Northern Territories.

One of the reasons it is a perfect place to visit on any in Kenya Safari is that most of the land is untamed African bush, and it has an incredibly diverse amount of game. As the land is privately owned there arent any game park rules to conform to, which means the safari visitor can get really close to wildlife in ways that would otherwise be impossible compared to the restrictions Game Parks tend to impose on visitors.

Loisaba Lodge has seven ensuite cottages each with their own veranda. It is centred on the old colonial home where the dining room, bar and a comfortable lounge are situated. The lodge also has a pool, a tennis court, petanque, and a superb spa. Unlike most other lodges Loisaba has almost everything you need to enjoy your holiday, and not just the basic comforts of a safari camp in Kenya.

So why is Loisaba the perfect Kenya Safari Lodge for your In Kenya Safari?

Its a lovely lodge with a fantastic atmosphere to relax in, being all inclusive/soft drinks, beer, and wines..

The game viewing is almost limitless, and the guides are amongst the best Safari Guides in Kenya

Apart from traditional and almost limitless game viewing, game drives, bush walks with an armed guide, and without forgetting the facilities at the Lodge itself, there are a large number of activities available.

These include horse riding excursions, Camel trekking along the river, Quad biking, visits to the working cattle ranch, and also the local community village.

Also a remarkable feature at Loisaba are the Koija & Kiboko Starbeds (ensuite) out on the ranch for guests wishing to spend a night under the stars. Kiboko Starbeds are 20 minutes from the lodge and over look the dam; Koija Starbeds are 30 minutes away from the lodge and overlook the Ewaso Nyiro River. Each star bed is dramatically designed, on a handcrafted wooden raised platform, and partially covered with a thatched roof.

One of Loisabas plusses is that it is only accessible by chartered light aircraft, and its inaccessibility means you will not see other safari vehicles on your game drives. This is another reason that stays of less than three days are not recommended.

Loisaba is home to elephant, lion, leopard, that can roam free and unhurried by people, without all the problems of the 21st century. There are the rarer species that thrive in this environment including gerenuk, Grevys zebra, and the reticulated giraffe. In addition the birdlife is many and varied.

This is really an undiscovered paradise, to do as you want, the perfect in Kenya Safari lodge.

Peter Stewart writes exclusively for as well as and he has in depth knowledge of the places he writes aboutClement Blog67627
Lydie Blog78013

Wag The Dog (DVD) Review

Nominated for two Academy Awards, including one for its screenplay, Wag The Dog turned out to be one of the more interesting films of the 1990s. When the President of the United States faces accusations that threaten to destroy his reelection chances, several of his advisors work with a Hollywood director to concoct a fake war in Albania to serve as a distraction. Released several months before the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, Wag The Dog foreshadowed events to come as some believe hostilities with Iraq were used to draw attention away from the impeachment proceedings. But regardless of what occurred in real life, Wag The Dog paints a hilarious and clever picture of the endless manipulations political handlers attempt to pull off in the real world. Hopefully, they're never on such a grand scale

With the president (Michael Belson) embroiled in a breaking sex scandal, two of his top aides - Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro) and Winifred Ames (Anne Heche) - immediately move into damage control mode. Election Day is too close to wait for the scandal to simply pass over and become old news, so Brean comes up with a plan.

Visiting noted Hollywood director Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman), Brean pitches an absurd proposal. He wants Motss to create a war for him. In one of the more memorable scenes from the film, Brean and Motss are watching a White House press conference, and at Motss' request, Brean calls the White House and tells the White House Press Secretary word-for-word what to say to the press. The detailed manipulation is only a sign of things to come. Making the decision to create tension between the United States and Albania, the two men conjure up more than just an international crisis.

Along with singer Johnny Dean (Willie Nelson), they create songs to commemorate the non-existent victims and war heroes. They even manufacture a fraudulent war hero, Sergeant William Schumann (Woody Harrelson) - whose sacrifice is acknowledged by throwing shoes into trees and onto power lines. But will Brean and Motss succeed in their deception? Can political aides really conspire to concoct lies big enough to change an election...

Dustin Hoffman received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his portrayal of Hollywood director Stanley Motss. Hoffman plays the part to perfection, combining bits of humor and eccentricity to create a memorable character. De Niro (who later stars with Hoffman in Meet The Fockers), despite being overshadowed by Hoffman's Oscar nomination, puts in a strong performance as well. It's not quite The Godfather II, but it's a lot better than Analyze This. In addition, Wag The Dog is one of the few films where I believe Anne Heche makes a mark for herself as a serious actress and not just the former companion of Ellen DeGeneres. Overall, the acting and direction for this movie are more than enough to make Stanley Motss proud

Wag The Dog raises some arguable questions of the true freedom of the American citizenry. America may have freedom of the press, but how do we know what new is true and what news is not? Wag The Dog makes for great satire in respect to a free republic's own vulnerability to propaganda. If the Clinton impeachment proceedings had not been so close to the release of this film, it might well have dropped off the radar. But the Clinton scandal and all the questions surrounding it only served to make Wag The Dog a part of history and a part of the day's political vernacular, and that's why it's a definite must-see film.

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find more reviews like this one. Source: Blog70245
Famille Blog87043

Black Silk Stockings And Their Value

Dressing up is difficult to do without the proper attire, and it is with this in mind that many shoppers seem to be drawn to silk items for their comfort and feel, from silk robes to gowns and skirts down to bare essentials such as a pair of black silk stockings.

Silk is one of the more comfortable materials that clothing is made from, and when you put on any item that is made from one hundred percent pure silk, you can definitely feel the difference from more common materials like cotton.

The sensual feeling you'll get with a pair of authentic silk stockings underneath any of those more mundane clothes perhaps behind the layers of a slinky black dress, and you will understand why so many other consumers seem to find stockings made from silk a real joy to wear time and again, and depending upon the source of your stockings can directly relate to how long they will last you throughout any amount of time that you own them. The buying of a new pair when the need be there.

Many stockings require the use of garter belts with suspender-like clasps to hold tight the stockings onto your thighs, but there are many varieties that have a self-adhering material around the upper cuff of the stocking, though for a vintage flair the garter belt is a necessity for that enticing appeal that only those varieties of stockings can fit into. With the many types of stockings to fit many different body types, a large amount of silk stockings are available, and can find what is needed.

Whether open toe or Cuban heel design, any style can be assimilated into your wardrobe of intimate apparel by finding the manufacturer for you, and through an adequate amount of research for yourself you will be able to find those silk stockings that best fit you and your idea of how to see yourself.

There are many aspects to the creation of these items of clothing, and yet there is very little that could be misleading or even indirect about black silk stockings, it just takes time to learn.

For instance, the production of the silk can be a very lengthy process, and will consist of everything from the birthing of silk worms to the retrieval of the silk from the cocoons. When the correct species of worm and the proper leafy meal are combined together they produce the most common silk to be created, then gradually warmed to the temperature necessary to hatch the worms, and the caterpillar will consume the plant material constantly molting its' skin four times before the last.

When the caterpillar goes into chrysalis, then it is time to separate the individual filaments, and entwine them together to form the various degrees of thickness or "deniers" of silk thread. The difficult process of breaking down the filaments without harming anything is called "reeling", the evacuated cocoon is placed within near boiling water to loosen these filaments, and then spun for commercial use from there. As an example, a three-denier thread is created from a total of seven cocoons.

Charlena Stadelman has over 10 years of experience in the silk apparel department for a large retailer of clothing. She enjoys helping customers with their gift selections and giving them insights on the latest trends and styles. Charlena shares views and comments on which includes detailed grading of silk as well as a buying guide.Loleta Blog7393
Herbert Blog7611

Protect Your System With Rollback Rx

Whether you are a home user or IT professional, Rollback Rx provides you with an essential system restore utility, giving you the flexibility to do a PC restore in the event of a system crash or any other serious program error. You can rollback to the point you want, choosing from the numerous snapshots of your entire system. The flexibility of Rollback Rx must be experienced to appreciate it.

Rollback Rx system restore software has powerful capabilities with which fixing computer problems becomes a tension-free process with the least downtime imaginable and without depending on expensive technical support.

Configure According To Convenience

You can configure Rollback Rx to take a new snapshot before you set up a new program. By scheduling it to take an event-based snapshot, defining executables, you can have Rollback Rx take a new snapshot before the defined new program is launched. Defrag your drives before you install Rollback Rx in your system. Rollback Rx has a snapshot defragmenter built into it that you can use to defrag your system too. It works very fast. Though, when you want to defrag your drives with a third party tool, remove Rollback Rx from your system, defrag your drives and then re-install Rollback Rx for optimum performance.

Rollback Rx is a very useful tool to use in patch management, making the process effective. You can take a pre-patch snapshot of your system and if the patch happens to fail, you can always rollback the system to the pre-patch snapshot instantly, allowing you to quickly fix computer problems.

Is Rollback Rx Similar To Windows System Restore?

As far as restoring system configuration to an earlier point in time is concerned, Rollback Rx and Windows System restore are similar. But Windows system restore stops at protecting system files. It does not protect data, programs and user settings. Rollback Rx protection is complete which means it protects everything on your hard drive including each and every file you were working on right up to the moment your computer problem occurred. If Windows does not start up, system restore cannot work.

But with Rollback Rx, even if Windows fails to start, you need not worry. Your computer settings can be restored and within a reboot cycle, you can have your system operational, because Rollback Rx installs below the Windows operating system, so that it can fix computer problems even when there is a complete crash. Also, Windows system restore occupies 5-15% space on your hard disk for every snapshot it takes. Rollback Rx only uses 0.07% space for a snapshot. It also does not run in the background, conserving free space, which you can use for other things.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Flocons Blog85039
Clemence Blog83986

The Difference Between Debt Consolidation and Debt Negotiation

Debt consolidation is a plan to get you out of your debt through combining all your debts into a single larger debt, and paying to a single creditor through a single check each month. Debt negotiation is a process of negotiating with your creditors to bring down your total amount of debt. A good debt negotiation company can help bring down your total debts by as much as 50 to 70 percent. A word of caution, though. Debt negotiation may sound great, but it can adversely affect your credit report.

The Pros And Cons Of Debt Negotiation

A debt negotiation company discusses your financial status with your creditors, and offers to pay off all your debts in one go. The catch is that they offer to pay, say, $4,000 cash now against the total debts of, say, $12,000. The very fact that you have appointed a debt negotiator on your behalf is a sign that you are a bad risk, and most creditors will settle for cash now, as against the balance over the next 10 years or so.

The flip side to debt negotiation is that it affects your credit rating in a negative way. The commission to your debt negotiator is usually between 14 and 25 percent of the total settlement.

What Debt Consolidation Experts Do

Debt consolidation experts negotiate on your behalf to arrange to reduce the rates of interest, and to reduce or eliminate the late fees and other charges and penalties. They help consolidate all your outstanding debts into a single debt, and arrange a monthly payment schedule consisting of reduced amount, by as much as 20 to 40 percent.

They usually charge a monthly service fee of around 10 percent, and your payments are referred to credit bureaus. They advise you to close all your credit card accounts, and may allow you to keep one active for emergency uses.

It is for you to decide which course of action you wish to take.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects.Fernand Blog3725
Daniel Blog13124

Write The Perfect Super Bowl Ad: No Real Writing Required?!?

I want to make this point crystal clear: if you write a Super Bowl ad and it gets produced and shown on the big game down in Florida, your life will be in jeopardy.


Because the people in the ad business that live and breathe advertising have desperately wanted to accomplish that their ENTIRE careers. (That's really why they work weekends, spouses!)

Writing a Super Bowl ad is their Mount Everest.

And if you come in and actually write a Super Bowl ad that we end up seeing, and you're not in the business...well, that's just crazy.

But here's why its actually doable:


Dead wrong.

'Writing' a Super Bowl Ad is 95% about dreaming up a great idea and then 5% making sure you have one great line at the end of the idea.

That's right. The 'writing' aspect that most people fear ISN'T really writing at all. What you'll be doing is called...

..concepting. Much, much different than writing. And that's why the NFL Write a Super Bowl Ad Contest is VERY winnable by someone outside of the advertising world! (Hat's off to the NFL.)

Writing a book is writing. Writing for CNN IN Iraq is writing. Writing commercials the rest of the year is writing (arguably).

But 'writing' a Super Bowl ad is about you dreaming up a killer idea for a brand. You, and a cup of Earl Grey, or a frosty beer, and a set of pads and a Sharpie.

What you'll be 'writing' on your pad will look a lot like this:

"Joe Montana walks into a bar

in the old West. He notices

a skunk at the bar...(MORE HERE)"

Or like this...

"The guy who laces up all the

footballs for the Super Bowl

is missing and his family

thinks...(MORE HERE)"


"The grocery store is boarded up.

The bowling alley is empty...

The airport is closed...

Why...because...(MORE HERE)"

These are scenarios. They are the theater of the Super Bowl spot that you will write. There are no mechanics to them at this point. There is idea concepting.

Don't get me's very hard. But this is about you wring a Super Bowl ad, so suffer through it.

Write down as many concepts as you can. Then short list them. Then be brutal on your ideas and narrow them down to 4 Not 3...four. Everyone does the Rule of Three, but you're trying to be a copywriter...and copywriters do things differently.

Give yourself the time to keep knocking your best ad off its perch (constantly put better and better ads in its place.)

Then, and only after you are convinced that you have written a Super Bowl ad worthy of being produced, do you need to go in and write a line of COPY that ties everything back to the brand...(or in this case for the NFL).

Yes, that's the extent of the formal writing you'll need to do. That's all of it.

But here's the kicker (pun very much intended here) had better be brilliant. Your single line or two of copy had better explain your commercial PERFECTLY. It had also better elevate the brand, and please the salespeople and, and, and...

Basically, and do everything a Super Bowl spot line needs to do.

That's why it's SO important when you get to the actual writing to weigh EVERY SINGLE WORD YOU USE. Don't tell the consumer 'why.' Be as assumptive as you can and write the 'because.' Because Pepsi is so great...


The rule of thumb for your copy is two and a half words equal one second of air time.

Don't use more than 5 seconds of air time on your copy.

Bet you never thought writing a Super Bowl ad involved so little actual WRITING, did you?

Kevin Browne spent twenty plus years as a Creative Director and a Senior Copywriter on Madison Avenue. During that time he wrote and produced hundreds of television commercials.

Kevin is now the founder of instructing advertising hopeefuls on EXACTLY how to master the specifics of copywriting.

A former Madison Avenue Creative Director and Copywriter, Kevin Browne is the owner of , the BEST, most ultra-inside site for those who truly want to understand the inner workings of the advertising industry.Emma Blog49463
Cyrille Blog45383

Monday, February 4, 2008

Infuse Life to Your Project with Commercial Business Loans

The significance of finance in a business is such that you can infuse a whole new life to your business with proper allocation of funds. It is not the only factor for the success of your business, but, certainly the most crucial one. A business needs huge funds and if you cannot arrange such amount on your own, then you can seek financial aid with the so many lenders present in the market. These are available in the form of commercial business loans, designed specifically for these purposes. The terms and conditions of commercial business loans are slightly different from the other kinds of loans present in the market. You have to be aware of certain things while applying for commercial business loans, these are enlisted below.

Every loan has distinct features due to the different needs of the borrowers. As far as, commercial business loans are concerned, it also caters to an array of purposes. You can initiate a whole new project with the help of commercial business loans. Or else, you can make use of commercial business loans for expansion of your business. Another purpose that it can serve is purchase of plant and machinery or even to tackle the losses of some past year.

For commercial business loans, you have to make a conscious choice between the secured and unsecured commercial business loans, as per your requirement, financial status and repayment capability. Secured commercial business loans necessitate some of your assets to serve as collateral. On the contrary, there is no such obligation in case of unsecured commercial business loans.

The terms of the lender are also affected by the same. As for secured commercial business loans, you can borrow larger sum, elongated repayment term at a lower interest rates. The interest rates for unsecured commercial business loans will be somewhat higher than the secured one. Choose the one that suits your financial condition better.

One factor that remains static in case of both types of the loan amount of commercial business loans is its repayment. Make it a point to repay the loan amount within proposed time. For most beneficial deals of commercial business loans, hunt World Wide Web. This way you can find competitive deals due to the fierce competition in the market.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Commercial Secured Loan as a financial advisor. To find Commercial Business Loan, commercial loan, commercial loans in UK, commercial secured loan, cheap commercial secured loan visit Blog37045
Christine Blog81335

Six Teachers from Spain to Teach in the Ohio Schools

Susan Tave Zelman, superintendent of public instruction for the Ohio schools, welcomed six visiting teachers from Spain, who will be teaching in the Ohio schools this coming school year.

Last year, the Ohio schools signed a memorandum of understanding with the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Spains sponsor for the visiting international teacher program. The ministry started the program in 1986 and has since provided 1,500 visiting teachers to the United States. This is the first year of participation for the Ohio schools.

Spanish language educators have been in short supply in the Ohio schools, yet they are in critical demand in order to prepare Ohio schools students for their future and the new millennium. With only 200-225 foreign language teachers being graduated from the 25 or so Ohio colleges and universities, the Ohio schools see the visiting teacher program as a plus for everyone.

The visiting educators will teach their native language, culture and history to middle and high school students, while helping the school districts to expand or maintain their Spanish language programs. The teachers will, in return, gain a first-hand experience of American culture, improve their own English language proficiency, and develop new relationships that hopefully will be lasting ones.

The Ohio schools students will benefit greatly from the program, too. The National Governors Association already has called for state public school systems to expose their students to the global world in which they now live. The association believes that global thinking and learning is essential in the future of todays students. The Ohio schools are accepting this challenge by participating in the visiting teacher program to ensure their students learn to speak another language, as well as understand and appreciate another culture.

Whether Ohio schools students work in the United States or abroad in the future, the exposure today will benefit them tomorrow. Of the U.S. population, 12 percent are Hispanic. Ohios own Hispanic community has grown from approximately 140,000 in 1990 to about 217,000 in 2000. Some states, such as Florida, Texas and California, have even greater communities of Hispanic residents.

Currently, only 45 percent of students across the nation take a foreign language in high school. Ohios Governor Taft has proposed that all Ohio schools students be required to take at least two years of foreign language study, though it is not yet a requirement.

The six educators that will teach in the Ohio schools during the 2006-2007 school year are:

Maria Espada Blanco from Madrid, Spain. Maria will teach in the Constellation Community Schools in Parma, Cuyahoga County

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Christine Blog13063
Aztecs Blog98896

Dolby vs DTS: Which is Better?

Dolby Digital and DTS Digital Surround Sound - Identifying the main differences between these multi-channel sound formats

This Dolby vs DTS surround sound is a rather hotly debated issue. Many audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts argue that DTS surround sound formats can deliver higher quality audio in comparison to their corresponding Dolby formats, with improved dynamic range, better representation of subtle detail in audio content, and improved signal-to-noise ratio.

Partly, this reasoning arises because DTS surround sound is usually encoded at a higher data rate than Dolby Digital and its lineup of associated formats.

This is more than understandable. We are dealing with lossy compression techniques. A higher bit-rate for the same format should normally implies superior sound during playback, as less compression in the encoding process should result in a better representation of the original sound source.

In this Dolby vs DTS debate, DTS people argue that they are after 'sonic perfection, not space consumption' - hence the higher bit rate and lower compression.

Dolby would counteract that their codec is more efficient and therefore, it can run at a lower bit rate.

In other words, one cannot simply draw conclusion on sound quality based on raw bit rates and compression figures alone; it also depends on how well designed are the encoding and decoding algorithms. And this makes sense too, but then...

There are relatively big differences in raw bit rates and compression levels when comparing Dolby vs DTS sound formats, implying a too wide a difference in codec efficiency - about 3 times as much - in favor of Dolby. Is it possible that Dolby sound formats achieve this level of codec efficiency?

The truth is that when dealing with different sound formats, the whole equation starts to get extremely complicated; it is not that easy to define what makes better sound.

This Dolby vs DTS is a much debated issue, but in reality is it true that one is better than the other?

To understand why this Dolby vs DTS surround sound controversy, it is necessary to have an understanding of the main differences between these formats. In particular, there are significant differences in bit-rate and compression levels as applicable to Dolby Digital and DTS Digital Surround. There are also important differences in the way these formats are implemented in movie house applications and in home entertainment.

It is not the scope of this write-up to go into these details; for the relevant information on the differences between Dolby and DTS, please read the full article appearing on Practical Home Theater Guide at

At the same time, it is important to realize that these same differences between these two formats have actually given rise to this Dolby vs DTS controversy.

So where does this Dolby vs DTS debate leads?

Sound quality is an extremely subjective issue and therefore it is not easy to define what constitutes better sound. Opinions vary when comparing Dolby vs DTS and range from 'DTS is better' to 'Dolby Digital and DTS Surround Sound are pretty much the same'.

..and what do we say about this Dolby vs DTS debate?

Both Dolby Digital and DTS Surround are capable of achieving similar results in delivering surround sound, even though the lower compression and higher bit-rate of DTS Digital Surround should theoretically yield apparent benefits in sound quality.

At the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that these two formats make use of different coding schemes and syntax to perceptually compress audio.

This means that efficiency in terms of data utilization between these two formats is different. Therefore, direct comparison of the respective Dolby and DTS sound formats based solely on their raw bit rates, cannot be taken as an objective measure of sound quality.

Thus, while it is objectively possible to compare the resultant sound quality for the same audio format encoded at different bit rates, say in a movie house application and in home entertainment, yet it is not so straightforward when dealing with different formats.

Rather, for identically sourced audio content, it would be much easier for the listener during Dolby vs DTS 'blind' listening tests to notice a change in sound quality when changing the playback equipment between different brands, than when changing from Dolby to DTS.

In other words, you need a thoroughly refined audio playback setup to bring out that subtle difference in sound quality between these two formats.

(c) 2004/2007 All rights reserved.Leger Blog22018
Hubert Blog34410

Hair Loss Breakthrough in the News

There may be some very good news for balding men and women who have been hoping for a "miracle cure for baldness". New research has unveiled a discovery of a special protein which actually dictates the formation and growth of new hair follicles, specifically, in the human body.

In other words, the key to causing new hair growth and making baldness "extinct" may be closer than we think. It's pretty exciting stuff, and it's really part of a larger body of research that has demonstrated we may have more power over cellular growth and manipulation than we thought.

You see, our genes produce proteins that go and "communicate" to our body as to where certain bodily attributes will grow, or originate, such as hair follicles. Scientists have identified one of the three proteins that tells the body to produce more hair follicles, making the manipulation of hair growth much closer than it ever was before, scientifically and realistically speaking.

Unfortunately, we all know how long new technology usually takes to actually morph into something that can be used by the general public.

This new technology, while promising, has not been manipulated in such a way that it can be used by people yet. It's only been tested on mice so far, and has proven successful in creating "furrier" mice.

We don't know how long it will be before this new technology makes it to market for human use, or if it is even safe for long term use, consumption, or topical application, whichever the method may be.

It will need to go through a lot more testing, as well as be approved for public human use by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, before it can be sold as either an over the counter hair loss and balding medication or treatment, or even a prescription treatment or medication for balding men and women.

Right now, we are still seeing a lot of natural hair loss remedies that can help you regrow your hair, mostly through nutritional additions to your diet that may be lacking, and can cause or contribute to hair loss in men and women.

There are also popular over the counter hair loss treatments with an ingredient called Rogaine, which is supposed to help promote the growth of healthy new hair and help repair damaged or unproductive hair follicles.

Until this new technology comes to fruition, those are our options, and some of them work very well on the people who try them!

Copyright 2006 Danna Schneider

Danna Schneider contributes to and , where you can find helpful information on male health supplements for comsetic purposes, longevity and sexual health.Elephant Blog57397
Germain Blog40156

Network+ Exam Tutorial: Network Interface Cards (NICs)

Part of the challenge of passing the Network+ exam is learning about all the different types of hardware a network requires. Today well take a look at a vital part of network connectivity, the Network Interface Card (NIC, pronounced nick).

The NIC is the device, or card, that gives the host a physical connection to the network. The NIC is generally an internal device, but one that can be removed and replaced with a different NIC. NICs are considered Physical layer devices and work at Layer 1 of the OSI model.

Most issues involving NICs occur before the device is even added to the network - because the purchaser didn't do their research. All NICs are not created equal. Some are for Ethernet networks, some for Token Ring, and speed capabilities vary as well. Don't assume a given vendor's NIC is going to fit your device and give you the results you want. A quick visit to the vendor's website and a few minutes looking up NIC specifications can save you a lot of trouble later on.

One more NIC warning - take your time when you're installing a new NIC. Make sure the device is off, and make sure you're properly grounded by connecting the grounding strap to your wrist. Otherwise, you can send static electricity into places on the host where it's only going to cause damage.

Your new NIC should also come with directions on how to download the drivers for that NIC. Drivers sound like something physical, but they're not. Drivers are simply software files that are needed on the host in order for the NIC to work correctly. Vendors used to include drivers on CDs with their NICs, but the trend now is to include instructions on where to download the drivers from the vendor website.

That does lend itself to an occasional Catch-22: "If I don't have this device on the Net yet, how can I download the drivers?" If the host has no network connectivity, you may need to download the drivers to a host that does, copy the files to CD, and then install the drivers from CD.

You'll see two different lights on a typical NIC, one green and one amber. Depending on whether the host has network connectivity or not, the lights will be solid, flashing, or out. Sometimes flashing is good, sometimes it's not! Here's a guide to the colors you'll see on a NIC:

A solid green light indicates connectivity is present. This link light is generally either green or off. Green is good, off is not! That light should stay a solid green. If you see it flashing green, that's a sign of intermittent connectivity, which is a fancy way of saying "one minute the PC is on the network, the next minute it's not". Most likely, either the NIC or the cable connected to the NIC is going bad. With the green light, flashing is not desirable.

Flashing amber lights indicate collisions. You'll see this flash occasionally even on a healthy network, but you don't want to see it flash so often that it looks like a solid amber light!

If you have an Internet connection at home, you can see these lights in action for yourself. The green and amber lights will be right next to where the cable from your modem connects to your PC.

On occasion, you'll have a PC that loses connectivity to the network. I advise you to always start network troubleshooting at the Physical layer of the OSI model, and that means checking both the NIC and the cable connected to it. I personally would swap the cable out first, since they seem to go bad more often than NICs, but that's up to you. If you swap NICs and you still can't get the PC on the network, try putting a new cable in.

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage ( ), home of free CCNA and CCNP tutorials, and The Ultimate CCNA and CCNP Study Packages. Aquin Blog37449
Juste Blog52190